The Wisdom Oracle: How to Use the Oracle

26/09/2011 22:57

"The vision makes such a lively impression upon the seers that they neither see nor think of anything else, except the vision, as long as it continues."

The shape of the Oracle

There are two kinds of cards: the eight Divine Ancestor Cards (displayed horizontally, in landscape format); the 32 Clan Cards (displayed vertically, in portrait style). We mainly use the 32 Clan Cards. On the Sun Circle Sheet you can see both Divine Ancestor and Clan Cards and their relationship to each other.

How the Oracle works

Here is one example of how the Oracle works, using just two cards. Create a question about a personal issue. Draw two cards from the 32 Clan Cards and set it face downward. While shuffling the 32 Clan Cards, hold the question about your issue in your heart. Read the Oracle for your cards. Assess the advice or meaning in relation to the question you've asked. Then read from one of the four topics that relates most closely to the nature of your issue: these are General/attitude, Work/creativity, Health/well-being and Love/friendship.

Creating questions and framing issues

An Oracle can only answer you if you have framed your issue clearly. A good question that you've thought about is better than a poorly focused agenda. Write your question down in detail so you remember exactly what you are asking. This is the question the Oracle will be responding to: in this way you can match results to your issue. To help you form and clarify your question, try this checklist:

1. What is the issue about? Keep your question short and ask about only one issue at a time.

2. What do you most need guidance about? Ask questions that enable you.

3. Does the issue involve another person? Be ethical and frame your question, focusing upon your needs rather than the other person's.

4. Frame the issue in a positive way. Instead of "Why can't I succeed at...?" ask "Please show me how to succeed at..."

5. Avoid questions to which the answer is "yes" or"no". Rather than, "Shall I go to Paris?" say "Please give me guidance about my intended trip."

6. Consent is paramount. If someone didn't ask you to divine for them, don't, otherwise you become a spy and we already have enough surveillance in our world!

Card positions

In this Oracle, the Divine Ancestor Cards are never reversed (or inverted), although the Clan Cards may be used upright or reversed - or deiseal (sunwise) and tuathal (anti-sunwise).

Clan symbols

To make it easier to reference the Clan quickly, you will find a symbol on the bottom left-hand corner of each Clan Card:

- Clan of Truth: Hawk

- Clan of Sovereignty: Stag

- Clan of Honour: Boar

- Clan of Wisdom: Salmon