
Shifting from Shamanism to Spirituality

30/09/2011 03:04
Ancient Shamans, who were adapt at the ability to shift consciousness, used it to try to control the world around them in order to improve the lives of their people, for example, by locating migrating animals. These Shamans sometimes joined together to combine their efforts for greater power over...

Speculating about Shamanism

27/09/2011 20:42
In order to survive, ancient humans had to live attuned with the cycles of nature. They had to know when to follow the migrations of the animals, where fresh water flowed, when the fish spawned, and where the fresh berries grew. On a daily basis, the ancients felt their interconnection with the...

Accepting the Consequences: The Law of Return

26/09/2011 17:38
You may be familiar with the science of chaos theory and the butterfly effect. The idea behind the theory is that all of life is a complex system. A small change at one place in the system can result in a big effect somewhere else. For example, a butterfly flapping its wings in the forests of the...

Reading Energy: The Truth About Divination

25/09/2011 18:47
Divination often is considered to be a form of magic, although this practice revolves around reading energy more than actually moving it. Here's the important point about divination: Contrary to popular misconception, the practice of divination does not foretell the future - at least not a...

Directing Energy: Why Magic Works

25/09/2011 12:34
Magic is the process of moving and directing energy in order to achieve a desired result or outcome. By working magic, we hope to make changes in ourselves and the world around us. We work magic to achieve self-improvement or empowerment; to find solutions to problems; and to meet our own...

Tapping into Different Kinds of Energy

25/09/2011 11:21
We devide the self into three parts. Each part represents a different type of energy and power. In our Order, I use the model of the Three Selves - the Spirit self, the conscious mind, and the unconscious mind - in order to clearly define the three types of energy and power that are important...

Honoring the Self

25/09/2011 08:26
For some of us, Deity may be the Higher Self, Deep Self, or Soul Self (a person's spiritual essence), or a symbol arising from the unconscious mind. The Higher Self Some of us honor, worship, or seek to communicate with their own Higher Self, or Soul Self. Some consider it to be the Divine...

Spreading Chaos

25/09/2011 00:27
String theory shows the interconnectedness of life at all levels, big and small. Chaos theory deals only with the big - and super-complicated. Chaos theory suggests that the weather and other huge, complex systems in nature have an underlying order, but they are chaotic and virtually...

Honoring the Two

25/09/2011 00:06
A world in balance: Polarity and duality In our Order, polarity or duality is a key principle. Much of our belief and practice hinges on this concept. Many of us honor the polarity or duality in nature and have incorporated the idea into their spirituality. Here's the idea: Energy flows in...