The Lost is Found

25/09/2011 10:07

A fascinating type of magic is finding lost items. If something is yours, don't worry: it will remain yours. Set the wards on the missing item from a distance. Once you physically track it down it will be there, because it is rare that someone else can keep something of yours once you have protected it magically. We will now look more closely at locating things the Pagan way.

In our Order, we use our heads. We revere the mind, words, and inspired thinking. Borrowing from this, the key to finding things is not to search! Turning your house upside down is a primitive method compared to the tools we have. Find things with your mind, not your body. Don't search. Instead, recall or remember. Backtrack in your mind. Open up freely to getting a picture of where the object is. Think back to when you last had it, where you were, what you were doing and with whom, why you had the object with you (keys, wallet, jewelry), what you were wearing. Picture it in detail. Ask yourself to find it. Ask, "What did I do with it? Where is it?" The answer will pop into your head and you'll go straight there and find the lost possession.

This magical way to find lost items builds on ordinary memory but contacts a different part of our brain's equipment. It is based on knowingness - trusting that we have huge abilities within, even though we are not accustomed to using them. Some sense within us knows more than we consciously realize. In our Order you can go through rigorous training to bring such places in the mind to consciousness.

If something keeps telling you that a lost object is in a certain place, even though you have looked there three times already, go to that spot, put out your hand and the object will be within reach. It is uncanny, and you might swear someone put it there since you looked last, but the difference is you are now looking with your mind open instead of shut. If something is precious to you, it is especially likely that you will find it because it cannot belong to anyone else (that is; if you protected it with the wards). As with a lost dog or cat, what is yours will return. If it does not, ask yourself if it was time to let go of what it represented and if someone else now needs it.

You will get the idea that one does not try to find missing items: they know where they are. Simply send out a request to hear from them in some way, or to be able to visualize their surroundings. Once you pick up on the incoming message, the object is as good as found.