The Heron Pose

25/09/2011 00:41

[I recommend its use whenever you feel the need to accomplish this, especially in crisis]:

The Heron Pose should be performed in a quiet place where you will not be distracted. Get a good balance on one leg and then wrap the free foot around it. Bring one hand up over an eye, and place the other hand underneath the elbow to support the arm. Intuit which leg you need to stand on and which eye you need to cover. I cover my left eye and look inward with the right eye to access the rational abilities of the left side of the brain. I cover my right eye and gaze with the left one to access the intuitive abilities of the right side of the brain. Stand only as long as is comfortable. The pose works very quickly.

The second part of this practice is for you to focus and apply your intention and power. Assume the pose, come to balance and center, and concentrate on the task at hand. Bring in all the powers of attention and single-mindedness to the subject. Like the heron, be absolutely still and focused. If you feel concentration slipping, focus on your breath and follow its rising and falling. It is a good idea to focus on breathing anyway as a source of the energy that you are bringing to the task. All at once, release the pose and send your intention and energy flashing outwards to achieve the goal. If there is a task you can do immediately, expend your energy on it quickly and vigorously.