The Druid Egg

25/09/2011 11:55

For our purposes, the Druid Egg is a smooth round, oval, or, yes, egg-shaped stone that can conveniently fit in a pocket. It may be of any mineral including glass, and of any color. Keep your eyes and ears open until you find a stone that signals to you. Use the egg for developing single-mindedness. Stones are good at waiting, at not leaping into the future, so they can help you to stay in the present. Hold your egg up and study it whenever you wish to concentrate. Focus your gaze on the egg until distractions die away. You will be centered and ready to concentrate on the matter at hand.

Study your Druid Egg in order to rediscover some of the important meanings associated with this object. We recommend carrying your Druid Egg into court during any dispute, as well as holding it anytime you must make a just decision by yourself.

Any kind of egg is also a fertility symbol. In ancient times the egg appeared in the company of goddesses and serpents (Father Yig). It contained treasure, new life, the possibility of eternal rebirth. Sometimes a serpent was wrapped around the egg.