
25/09/2011 07:33

How can you apply teleportation to your training as a Witch/Mage without making it into a parlor trick? The answer is to go to the essence of magic. We define this as actions, thoughts, intention, and energy that bring about transformation or change through a knowledge of all aspects of nature, including parts we do not fully understand. The deepest change from using magic might well be in the person's own perceptions, in consciousness. Teleportation requires just such a change in perception and consciousness. First, you need to "intend" to be elsewhere. Then you envision getting there despite any rational voice that says this is impossible. Apply your ability to sense when something magical is happening and go with it, if you choose. Activate a place where your meditations and visions make it easier to pass without physical restrictions. As with everything in magic, you must practice.

Another example of using teleportation is when you need to move yourself out of danger. If you are about to be trapped in a building or car or dangerous situation, you can leap out of it. You will suddenly find yourself physically outside of harm's way, as an onlooker rather than a victim.