Protecting with Wards

25/09/2011 00:34

[Guarding people and places is within our ability today, and setting the wards is one way to do it. This method is based on the shape of a square or rectangle, in contrast to the circle used in other pagan work. Picture a square or rectangle fitting outside the area or person to be protected. Until you perfect the practice, it is preferable to be physically present where you want the wards set. Later on you can do it from a distance]:

Let's go through the procedure. It is all done by envisioning and waiting to receive a protective image. Stand outside the envisioned square and select one corner to start the protecting. I usually begin at the front left corner. You will be designating the corners as black-white-black-white. Call the first corner "black" and allow the polarity of blackness to be there. With strong intention, start some energy at that corner in order to ward off anything unwanted. Turn toward the next corner (you may not be able to see it in actuality) and call it "white". Move your intention and the protective energy around to that corner. Continue: the third corner is black and the fourth is white. Move the protection all the way back to the starting point. Two corners opposite each other will now be black, and the other two opposite each other are white.

They will be holding a dynamic guardian tension among them. You have set the perimeter and called in the balance of light and dark to work with you. Complete safety, however, requires three-dimensional protection, moving into the spheres of Above and Below. Envision the protected area extending down into the earth and up into the sky.

The next part of setting the wards requires you to shift from sending out energy to receiving an image. Stand there and concentrate on the space or person you are protecting. Let an image come to you that arises naturally. It will be the correct one. You won't have to make an effort. You simply will be the conduit for the already existing spirit of place or the guardian of the person. Let that image emerge and move until it covers the entire space, above, below, and all around. The power that has chosen to be the guardian has volunteered and knows what to do. In your mind, see and say clearly what the protective image is. You can leave now, in total confidence that the wards are set and the space or person or object is protected. Reset the wards if anything changes.