Becoming a Ph.D. (aka Practicing Holistic Druid)

30/09/2011 03:12

At this point, we are moving along a path which leads to transforming ourselves into Magi. We can learn the wisdom of the judges. We can carry forward the knowledge of our ancestors. All of this now comes to a focal point: you! Each individual Mage has a responsibility to be the fullest True Self possible.
What special skills do you have, that friends call on when in need? What unexplainable gifts do you have? What have you learned to do exceptionally well? What wisdom can you share with the world? As Druids/Mages we have the responsibility of putting our skills out into the world to keep the forge fire glowing. Sometimes we are not sure of what to do. Now is your change to become a Ph.D., or Practicing Holistic Druid.

The following process can determine two things: (1) Why are you here on this planet? (2) What is your course of study as you fully become a Druid/Mage? The art of magic and alchemical transformation will probably reveal themselves in your answers. This procedure helps you to integrate your body-mind-spirit development and to know your life's purpose. Take each step and ponder it for as long as you like before moving on to the next. We have shared this process with many people, to good effect. We want to alert you that some people, at the end of this process, have jumped up and sped away to get started on the rest of their life! Here are the questions to turn you into a Ph.D.:

What do you want? List all that you want. Take a look at these areas: spiritual, emotional, professional, cognitive, social, financial, physical, and more. Jump in and commit for now. Write down whatever comes to mind, in any order. You can look for patterns later.

What is not finished, and with whom? (parents, past partners, coworkers, children)

Learning list. What kind of books do you read most often? What do you want to learn? What do you want to master? Write as fast and much as you can, and organize it later. Your answers might range from computers and outer space to inventing worldless communication.

What do you want to produce or put out in the world? This might be a physical product, an art form, a service, or a form of energy.

What are your abilities? These might be natural talents or learned skills.

What resources do you have? What resources do you still need?

What do you enjoy doing so much that you are unaware of time passing?

What is your learning style? How do you prefer to go about a goal? Examples are to dream, visualize, think, write, join a group, talk, plan, do body work, create a timeline, pray.

Who are you, really?

Write a Personal Mission Statement. This is your affirmation of Self, your guiding light. It reminds you who you are, keeps you centered and aware of your path. Your focus on magic will probably bear some fruit and show up in your Mission Statement.

An example might be:

- I am a healer with a long journey ahead of me (a nineteen-year-old heading for medical school).

May you activate your magical power, may you speak your purpose in this life, and may your path open before you!